A toddler is a child 12 to 36 months old. The toddler years are a time of great cognitive, emotional and social development.
At this stage of development the child is eager to sample food from your plate and you will want to add variety of food to his diet.
During feeding discourage your child from walking, lying down, or doing anything else that might distract him from his meal.
Foods to avoid are:
- Raw vegetables: Instead cut them into pieces and soft-cook it before serving.
- Nuts and seeds: Ensure you remove seeds and pits from fresh fruits such as watermelon, plums, cherries before serving. Seeds maybe too small but can get stuck in a child's airway and cause an infection.
- Low-fat milk: Young toddlers requires the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. You can introduce low-fat milk if the child is at risk for obesity or the child turns 2 years.
- Large chunks: A Chunk of food can get stuck in your child throat, therefore cut or finely chop the meat, vegetables and other large food before serving.
- Hard or crunchy food: Popcorn, Nuts and hard candies are choking hazards
- Sticky foods: Jelly or gummy candies, dried fruits, melted cheese and chewing gum are choking hazard, they can get lodged in your child's throat.
- Nutbutter: Dollops of peanut and other nut butters, which can be difficulty to swallow are choking hazard. Avoid serving it on spoon, spread on bread or crackers or thin it with water or yogurt.
Leave a comment of other unsafe food we should avoid serving toddlers.